Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association
8,243 member companies and affiliates manufacture, distribute and sell motor vehicle parts, accessories, service, tools, equipment, materials and supplies. Through its membership, AAIA represents more than 100,000 repair shops, parts stores and distribution outlets.
Automotive Oil Change Association
AOCA is dedicated to enhancing the competency of fast lube owners, educating the public about services our members offer, and maintaining a favorable business environment for the industry as a whole.AOCA has more than 1,200 members representing over 3,000 auto maintenance centers throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada.
American Society for Testing and Materials
One of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world-a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Known for their high technical quality and market relevancy, ASTM International standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy.
Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association
ATRA is an international trade association for automatic transmission repair professionals, from coast to coast across North America. ATRA facilities apply the ATRA Member Code of Ethics to their automatic transmission repair and diagnostic services which better assists consumers with their automatic transmission repair complaints and concerns.
Be Care Care Aware
A consumer education campaign about the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair. Designed to build awareness and knowledge to prepare consumers to make sensible decisions about their vehicles. As awareness builds, consumers will take action, thus reducing vehicle neglect. Reversing unperformed maintenance will increase profitability in the aftermarket, conserve energy, improve highway safety and benefit the environment.
Motorist Assurance Program
MAP is a comprehensive effort to improve service to auto repair customers and has been designed to assure customers consistent and high quality service. MAP's mission is to strengthen the relationship between the motorist and the automotive service and repair industry through education of the motorist and service provider, and through the creation of industry standards.
The Society of Automotive Engineers
SAE International has more than 90,000 members - engineers, business executives, educators, and students from more than 97 countries - who share information and exchange ideas for advancing the engineering of mobility systems. SAE is your one-stop resource for standards development, events, and technical information and expertise used in designing, building, maintaining, and operating self-propelled vehicles for use on land or sea, in air or space.
Tire Industry Association
an international association representing all segments of the tire industry, including those that manufacture, repair, recycle, sell, service or use new or retreaded tires, and also those suppliers or individuals who furnish equipment, material or services to the industry. TIA was formed by the July 2002 merger of the International Tire & Rubber Association (ITRA) and the Tire Association of North America (TANA). The association's main office is in Bowie, Maryland, and has over 4,500 current members.
Technicians Service Training
TST is a group of dedicated technicians and instructors committed to the continuing education of our fellow technicians. We provide once a month training seminars to technicians at a reasonable price. TST brings our members nationally known instructors and state of the art training. Our Goal & Mission Statement: 1. Keep our fellow technicians up to date with the latest technology. 2. Provide training seminars for a reasonable price. 3. Deliver information that the technician can use now. 4. Keep technicians informed of information affecting our industry. 5. Increase consumer awareness of what a good technician is.